Zhejiang Yipu Metal Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Yipu Metal Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Comprehensively Carry Out The Improvement Of Quality And Efficiency Of Copper Stranded Wire Enterprises Themselves

Faced with the complex development situation, the copper stranded wire industry should strengthen its own practice and comprehensively carry out the quality and efficiency improvement of copper stranded wire enterprises. Enterprises in related industries have carried out a series of measures to improve quality and efficiency, especially in the integration of Maanshan Iron & Steel in China this year, which has played a role in scale effect and synergy effect.

There are too many copper stranded wire enterprises, and the concentration has been at a low level, which seriously affects the high-quality development of my country's copper stranded wire industry. In 2018, the crude steel output of the top ten copper stranded wire enterprises in my country accounted for only 35.3%, which was unable to form effective industry self-discipline and standardized operation. Concentration levels of major industries.

In June this year, Maanshan Iron & Steel (600808) announced that the company's actual controller, Anhui State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, will transfer its 51% stake in Maanshan Iron and Steel Group to China Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China") for free. . This also means that after the reorganization of Wuhan Iron and Steel Group, China has ushered in a new reorganization target.

On September 19, China and Anhui State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission signed an implementation agreement on matters related to the reorganization of Maanshan Iron and Steel. After Maanshan Iron and Steel completed the industrial and commercial change, the integration and integration work between China and Maanshan Iron and Steel was fully launched. On October 10, China held a management docking kick-off meeting at Maanshan Iron & Steel, marking that the integration and integration have entered a substantive operation stage.

Promoting the merger and reorganization of enterprises According to the principle of market-oriented operation of the main body of the enterprise government, it can not only resolve production capacity but also take the reform of mixed ownership as a breakthrough, deepen enterprise reform, and promote the implementation of cross-industry, cross-regional and cross-ownership mergers and reorganizations of leading enterprises in the industry , forming several world-leading copper stranded wire enterprise groups and leading enterprises.

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